Monday 12 December 2011

Interview questions - Dad/Peter - Kennel manager

How did you end up with this job?
I was in the right place at the right time.  Working with dogs and the charity is something close to my wires heart.

What is the worst bit about your job?
Cleaning out poo fro the kennels.

What is the best bit about your job?
The freedom and the enjoyment when taking the dogs out for walks. 

What is the hardest part of your job?
Trying to get the kennels up to a high standard as the place has been left to rack and ruin.  

What do you find most interesting about your work?
The fact that I can work with different animals every day.  They all have different personalities.  

Is this something you ever saw yourself doing as a career?
No, Not really.

How does this job compare with your previous one?
I have a lot more freedom, plus i am my own boss.

If you had the opportunity to return to your previous employment, or continue at the kennels, which would you choose?
I would choose to work at the kennels.  The animals appreciate you more.

Do you prefer being self employed or working for an employer?
I prefer being self employed.

Why is this?
There is nobody constantly looking over your shoulder.  People trust and rely on you to look after their animals/pets.

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