Monday 16 January 2012

Photo Merging: Pencil Vs. Camera

These images were created by a photographer called Ben Heine.  He is described as a creative painter, illustrator, portraitist, caricaturist and photographer who has a very simplistic but singular style and his work is very fresh and original.  I found him whilst browsing the internet and have fallen in love with his work.  I think I could use this style in my work and it would be very effective.  My only worry is, looking at previous magazine spreads, I have never seen a photograph like this.  They are generally all plain, straight forward photographs.  I'm going to have a go myself and see how it turns out, SO WATCH THIS SPACE!

I really like this image.  I think its really clever how the image almost looks like it has been drawn to scale.  He had drawn in a section of the tree that fit perfectly, and even the tram lines match up. 

I like how he has included a little bit of comedy in with this photo. 

This drawing doesn't match up exactly, but  it still looks great!

I like this photo, in fact, this one is my faveourite.  I thought if I could get a dog to sit in the play pen, with a bit of grass and tree in the background, then I could try and recreate this image in a similar sort of way and think it would fit in perfectly with the theme of my article. 

I thought this was another image I could try and re create.  This photo of the donkeys has been taken outside some stables, so I thought I could take my photo outside of, or inside one of the kennels, and could then make the photo more humorous by drawing a comical face on the dog, or cat.

I cannot be trusted with fire! This one is a definate NO GO!

A sea of volunteers? Could be change to a sea of dogs?

I like how he has included colour within his illustration in this image.

I love this one and think it is very clever, but have no idea how I could include something like this in my photo or how I could get a photograph of a mountain!

I like how this one has been turned into a game :)

I like how he has made a hole in the drawing to show some of the photo, and how it all works so well.

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